How much this learning intervention would cost ?…

More often that not, when we speak with the stakeholders ( L&D, Business or the CXO ), it is one of the many questions that they have. There is absolutely no problem with the question but the term ‘COST’. Is a learning intervention a ‘COST’ or is it an ‘INVESTMENT‘. If it is an investment (I know it is) then why the term COST is used to define it so frequently ? COST by Definition is ( as per WIKI ) (of an object or action) require the payment of (a specified sum of money) before it can be acquired or done. INVESTMENT by Definition is ( as per WIKI ) the action or process of investing for profit. We know the thought / intent behind the intervention is the latter, but it doesn’t reflect the same when it is termed as ‘COST’ and somewhere the meaning flows down deep through the participants, facilitators and […]

The layers within

A few months ago, while trying out guided snorkelling I had a life time experience. A nervous me who don’t know swimming, took the plunge (of course inspired by ZNMD :P). A few minutes of rehearsal with the snorkelling equipments, falling in water while balancing my feet inside those fins & fair share of water entering into my body, blocking my sensory organs, I finally went inside the water holding hand of my guide firmly (praying.. please god get me out later safe and sound). What a view… plenty of flora and fauna, corals, colourful fishes, large and small pieces of rocks… It was totally mesmerising and I could relate to all the stories of the snorkelers I read before. Aaah… You must be thinking why I am sharing just another snorkelling experience. Well! A little more story and I share why… While snorkelling for about 5-7 minutes, the guide brought me to a point, […]

Have you invested in Emotional Insurance yet?

A few of my friends & colleagues after reading the title of this article might think that I can’t get over Insurance after working in Benefits for long (Yes! 3 loooong years). Well! I tried hard but be it the current HR project or the book I finished reading a few days ago, Insurance manages to be around me J. While reading the book “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch, I came across this term – Emotional Insurance. So far I had known Emotional Bank account coined by Stephen Covey asking us to deposit respect, kindness and courtesy to build trust in a relationship rather than withdrawal alone. Hence, my curiosity tempted me to deep dive the word “Insurance” first. Insurance is a thing that provides protection against a possible eventuality like loss of life or property, medical emergencies etc. We get the protection by paying premiums to the many insurance agencies (who happily earn […]

When I look around I dun find anyone happier than me!

Recently, an acquaintance very innocently told me – What Jay, look at you? You have nothing to worry. You do assignments that you like, married the guy you love, take vacations, are successful and happy etc etc… I heard it and I was like… Wow!! What I just heard makes sense and seems true. I do all of this and have so much more that others aspire for. A supporting family, flexibility & variety in my work, enough money for a comfortable life, time for family and the appetite to keep growing and achieving more. A superb feeling of content and joy! While I was enjoying this feeling, the ugly part of the brain gets activated and starts whining about every possible thing – compromised life style due to weekend work, rejected work proposals, unbearable joints pain, cluttered mind as I scout for work almost every month, inconsistency in income inflow, wrecked relations, stress around […]

Enjoy the being, Becoming is on its way

Sometimes a few articles I read stay with me. One such speaking tree article “Overcome Inner Contradiction and Conflict” published on June 23rd, 2015 keep steering my mind ever since I first read it. It spoke about “being and becoming – to become fully aware and the Journey of joy”. The article is not an unknown revelation, but often misses mention in our chaotic lives. The second article that I came across was “What’s next” in Sunday Times a few months ago which spoke about how anxiously we wait for upcoming versions of phone or laptop or car etc when we might be holding the brand new stuff in our hand. These two triggered some thoughts to pen down as somehow I feel the premises of both the above article are same. In the last few months, I have in general become quite restless with everything I do. To name a few of such events… […]